Friday, March 20, 2020

Author Your Life


I recently discovered the book, Author Your Life by Lara Zielin a story and tutorial for writing the life you want in order to bring it into being. 
"As a writer, I"m always considering what my characters want.  I"m always asking what their motivations are...what will make them happy?  What is a satisfying story for them?  But I had never really considered the story of my own life.  What was MY motivation, What would make ME happy?"
She spent the year of 2018 writing daily (20 min.) about a story of what happens in her life - the way she wants it to happen and, it all happened! 
Writing her like a character, I put her in situations that were amazing and awesome.  I fixed her heart, which was getting more than a little brittle and hard.  I gave her more compassion for people.  I gave her abundance - of time, of money, of love.  I gave her a great sex life and a healthier weight.  And I gave her joy.  Tons of joy.  Truck-fulls of joy.  Which is something real-life Lara had let dribble out of her, kind of like a slow leak over time that you don't realize is happening....
Anything I can think up, anything, I WANT, I can write into my (characters') life!  THIS was going to be fun! 

Basically, the idea of writing a story about me in the third person is a GAME CHANGER!  Like many in counseling, coaching or healing, I am easily able to offer clients compassion, comfort, support, understanding think outside the box toward new possibilities.  But, for myself, I am often as stuck and limited as my clients feel.  I bring along my learned limitations, beliefs and stories...but as a character, all that falls away.  Lara says essentially the same thing happens for her as a writer:
 "Author Your Life is what happened when I wrote the story of how I wanted my existence to be.  When I dared to create a world for myself, the same way I would spend time and energy creating a world for my characters."

What also makes this feel so possible in my mind is that it is totally in sync with the Laws of Physics & Attraction - "where focus goes, energy flows".  Even though my "real life" stories, beliefs, limitations have been a conscious and unconscious focus of thought for a very long time, work like this or vision boards, affirmations etc. has long proved beneficial for upgrading mental/emotional/physical software & hardware right along with meditation, sound healing, Reiki, acupuncture and all the subtle energy WELLNESS practices.

The first things my character, Olivia is going to be able to do is to have a BLAST creating a routine for herself, her personal health and wellbeing of mind, body and spirit; ENJOY sticking to it and ENJOY the benefits!  And THAT, sweet wonderful you, Olivia, is a DELIGHTFUL resetting point to the story of your life and path towards BEING my unique LIVING OUTLOUD TRUE SELF.

The fabulous thing about freeing myslef is the ripple effect of freeing energy flows beyond me to those I live with and encounter.  And, as
I evolve myself, I evolve my ability to love and serve others.  It just does not get any better than that.

What story do you want to author?

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