Saturday, November 21, 2020

Trail Ways


Omick Woods at Rocktown Preserve, Amwell, NJ

All of Nature shows us everything we need to know for living a vibrant life in flow with the rhythms of abundance, nurturing, going within, joy, freedom for the journey.  It also shows us that we have guides and signs helping us along the way.

Always reach for the light.

The light may be small or feel absent but it is never gone for long.

We all need time to withdraw, to hibernate.


What appears one way, can look very different from another angle.

Same "three" trees  became four when I walked along the path!

We always have choice...

...and can weave our way along various paths, create varied lifestyles.

Even the strongest of beliefs, plans, people can break open, apart...

...making way for new paths, gifts, opportunities, blessings.

There is beauty and there are gifts...

In that which plagues us...

There are always twists and turns.  Its best to go with the flow.

We have strong guardians standing with us every step of the way.

We are each unique and connected @ the same time.  

Reach for different to discover the same you share.

Sometimes the path is hard to discern...


Other times, it's very clear.

Put down strong roots, its a hell of a ride!

...and it sure helps when you have a soft place to land. 

Everything always looks better in the morning...